Information technology software
working profession “Computer operator”
Training is carried out only on a full-time form of education
- Programmer Technician
Duration of training
- Based on general basic education (full-time) – 3 years 10 months;
- Based on general secondary education (full-time) – 2 years 10 months;
- On the basis of general secondary education (correspondence) – we do not teach.

About the specialty
If you think that programmer = computer scientist, then far from it. A programmer can write program code even on a napkin, and he needs a computer to apply this code.
Under the general name “IT specialist” there are 50 different professions and qualifications. For example,-designer (interface developer), -manager (technical support specialist), administrator, devops (“IT process engineer”), IT project manager – “IT specialists”, but not programmers.
Advantages of the specialty

Everyone knows firsthand about the high salary of programmers. Why wait? Join us and start earning

In any field, industry and organization, a programmer or IT specialist is needed today

Programmer is one of the few qualifications that allows you to set your own work schedule, and also provides the opportunity to work remotely

The specialty is very much in demand. For more than 20 years, the IT sphere has been the most relevant for the national economy.
What we are studying
The main academic subjects that form the future specialist
Fundamentals of engineering graphics
You will learn how to execute drawings according to the rules of the ESCD developed by international standards.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Computer graphics
Learn the methods and means of creating and processing images using hardware and software computing systems.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming
Learn the basics of algorithms and programming, develop a full-fledged application in the Delphi development environment.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Software solutions for creating Internet applications
Learn the basics of creating websites, develop your own website on a training practice.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Software development technologies
Go through the life cycle of the software, learn how to build diagrams.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Databases and Database Management Systems
Learn the SQL query language, learn how to develop and maintain databases.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Program design and programming languages
Learn object-oriented programming languages, develop an application in C#.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Software testing
Learn the methods and tools of software testing.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Protection of computer information
Learn the methods and means of encryption and transmission of information.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
1C: Programming
Learn how to develop and maintain the configuration of “1C: Enterprise”, learn the 1C programming language
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
Application development for mobile devices
Learn the basics of Android application development, learn the Java programming language and develop a mobile application.
For groups based on
Not available in eng.
The spectrum of employment
Many people are interested in the question: “Where can I go to work after obtaining a particular qualification?”. There is no cause for alarm, you will not ask such a question. The range of employment opportunities is diverse:
- Non-core state and non-state organizations with IT departments;
- Domestic firms that specialize in software development for the domestic and foreign markets;
- Organizations that develop software for the global market.
How to proceed
There is nothing complicated here, all you need to do is four simple steps to submit documents to us

Finish grades 9 or 11

Go through a medical examination

Collect a package of all necessary documents

From July 20 to submit documents to the admissions committee
A good college for secondary special education. The educational process is filled with various theoretical and practical materials for presentation and training in the specialty “Information Technology Software”. College teaches not only profession, but also independence. The teaching staff is full of qualified and responsive specialists.
I didn’t regret choosing an educational institution for a minute. The specialty is interesting, the teachers are qualified, many events are held. I hope that the knowledge and skills that I will gain will help me become a qualified specialist in the future and find a good job.
I am studying in the specialty Information Technology Software. The main advantages of this institution are that the college provides a modern and up–to-date training program in accordance with the demands of the labor market – this includes the study of programming, computer graphics, application development for mobile devices, website creation and much more. The teaching staff is wonderful, they are all qualified workers with extensive experience.
Excellent teaching staff is ready to answer any question, and the most important thing is to explain complex things in simple language. The curriculum is compiled competently, and we can say with confidence that it is very “correct and necessary” and having mastered it, I think there will be no difficulties at the already “professional” level when finding employment.