Terms of admission, testing and enrollment

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The doors of the college are always open for you every day Mon – Sat from 09:00 – 18:00. We will also work on Sunday, August 14, according to the usual working schedule of the admissions committee


You can apply to our college from July 20. Acceptance of documents will last:

  • until August 14 (inclusive), for applicants based on grades 9;
  • until August 17 (inclusive), for applicants based on grades 11.


Acceptance of documents for admission from foreign citizens and stateless persons is carried out:

  • at the expense of the budget or on a paid basis in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Belarus – until August 3;
  • on a paid basis, based on the results of the final certification when mastering the content of the educational program for preparing persons for admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus – until August 3;
  • on a paid basis, based on the results of an interview at a secondary special education institution that establishes their level of proficiency in the language in which the educational process is carried out, to the extent sufficient to master the content of the educational program of secondary special education – until October 15.


Admission to the college is carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the admission control figures on the terms of payment for training by legal entities (including consumer cooperation organizations) or individuals.

Applicants with the directions of consumer cooperation organizations have a preferential right to enroll in all forms of education with the same number of points, except for persons specified in the Rules of Admission to secondary specialized educational institutions and the Rules of Admission to institutions providing vocational education.


After successful completion of the test for applicants, the college organizes the event “Open enrollment of applicants in the number of students”, which will take place at 12:00 in the assembly hall of the college:

  • August 16, for applicants on the basis of general basic education;
  • August 18, for applicants on the basis of general secondary education.

If you are unable to attend this event, then you can find out whether you have been accepted into the number of students or not by receiving a letter by mail or by reading the corresponding article in the news.

Our contacts


Minsk region
Central square, 1
Index: 222306

Reception of the director

Phone / Fax: (0176) 77-19-72
Email address: mtec@bks.by

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Phone / Fax: (0176) 77-01-71
Bagnyuk Elina Sergeevna

Deputy Director for Educational Work

Phone / Fax: (0176) 77-02-53
Simanovich Oksana Gennadievna

Deputy Director for Industrial Training

Phone / Fax: (0176) 77-01-51
Vasyuta Tatiana Valeryevna

Methodical service

Phone / Fax: (0176) 77-18-73
Naumchik Zoya Gennadievna

Full-time department

Phone / Fax: (0176) 77-02-24
Shchutskaya Irina Konstantinovna

Correspondence department

Phone / Fax: (0176) 77-17-06
Kononova Светлана Леонтьевна


Phone / fax: (0176) 77-40-53
Kasperovich Alesya Anatolyevna



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